Recent publications by the LIPNE Lab

Lu X., Murawski C., Bossaerts P. & Suzuki S. Estimating self-performance when making complex decisions Scientific Reports. Volume 15. (2025)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Peter Bossaerts
Franco, J. P., Bossaerts, P., Murawski, C. The neural dynamics associated with computational complexity. PLOS Computational Biology (In print). (2024)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Peter Bossaerts
Marjanov T., Ioannidis K., Hyndman T., Seyedzadeh N., & Hutchings A. Breaking the Ice: Using Transparency to Overcome the Cold Start Problem in an Underground Market. The Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS). (2024)
Markets as mechanisms to re-allocate risk, collect information, and spread knowledge, Konstantinos Ioannidis
Asparouhova E., Bossaerts P., Cai X., Rotaru, K., Yadav N., & Yang W. Humans in Charge of Trading Robots: The First Experiment. Review of Finance. Volume 28, Issue 4. (2024)
Learning in financial markets (human and artificial agents) , Peter Bossaerts
Bossaerts P., Bowman E., Fattinger F., Huang H., Lee M., Murawski C., Suthakar A., Tang S., & Yadav N. Resource Allocation, Computational Complexity, and Market Design. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. Volume 42. (2024)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Peter Bossaerts
Bossaerts F., Yadav N., Bossaerts P., Nash C., Todd T., Rudolf T., Hutchins R., Ponsonby A-L., & Mattingly K. Price formation in field prediction markets: The wisdom in the crowd. Journal of Financial Markets. Volume 68. (2024)
Markets: equilibrium predictions, Probabilistic uncertainty, Uncertainty in social interaction, Peter Bossaerts
Asparouhova E., Bossaerts P., & Yang W. Costly Information Acquisition in Decentralized Markets: An Experiment. Management Science. In Press. (2024)
Learning in financial markets (human and artificial agents) , Peter Bossaerts
Christiann E., Sanlaville E., & Schoeters J. On inefficiently connecting temporal networks. LIPIcs 3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks. Volume 292. (2024)
Uncertainty in social interaction, Jason Schoeters
Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., Abellán, M., Adayeva, X., Ceren, F., Barron, K., Berry, Z., Bönte, W., Brütt, K., Bulutay, M., Campos-Mercade, P., Cardella, E., Claassen, M.A., Cornelissen, G., Dawson, I.G.J., Delnoij, J., Demiral, E., Dimant, E., Doerflinger, J.T., Dold, M., Emery, C., Diala, L., Fiedler, S., Freddi, E., Fries, T., Gasiorowska, A., Gorny, P.M., Gretton, J.D., Grohmann, A., Hafenbrädl, S., Handgraaf, M., Hanoch, Y., Hart, E., Hennig, M., Hudja, S., Hütter, M., Hyndman, K., Ioannidis, K., Isler, O., Jeworrek, S., Jolles, D., Juanchich, M., Pratap, R., Khadjavi, M., Kugler, T., Li, S., Lucas, B., Mak, V., Mechtel, M., Merkle, C., Meyers, E.A., Mollerstrom, J., Nesterov, A., Neyse, L., Nieken, P., Nussberger, A., Palumbo, H., Peters, K., Pirrone, A., Qin, X., Rahal R.M., Rau, H., Rincke, R., Ronzani, P., Roth, Y., Saral A.S., Schmitz, J., Schneider, F., Schram, A., Schudy, S., Schweitzer M.E., Schwieren, C., Scopelliti, I., Sirota, M., Sonnemans, J., Soraperra, I., Spantig, L., Steimanis, I., Steinmetz, J., Suetens, S., Theodoropoulou, A., Urbig, D., Vorlaufer, T., Waibel, J., Woods, D., Yakobi, O., Yilmaz, O., Zaleskiewicz, T., Zeisberger, S., & Holzmeister, F. Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 120, Issue 23. (2023)
Probabilistic uncertainty, Konstantinos Ioannidis
Ioannidis K. Anchoring on valuations and perceived informativeness. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Volume 106, Issue 1. (2023)
Probabilistic uncertainty, Konstantinos Ioannidis
Balev S., Pigné Y., Sanlaville E., & Schoeters J. Temporally connected components. (2023)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Jason Schoeters
Casteigts A., Raffinot M., & Schoeters J. Vector TSP: a traveling salesperson problem with Racetrack-like acceleration constraints. Under revision for Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM). (2023)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Jason Schoeters
Bowman E., Coghill D., Murawski C., & Bossaerts, P. Not so smart? “Smart” drugs increase the level but decrease the quality of cognitive effort. Science Advances. Volume 9. Issue 24. (2023)
Probabilistic uncertainty, Uncertainty because of complexity, Peter Bossaerts
Ioannidis K., Offerman T., & Sloof R. Lie Detection: A Strategic Analysis of the Verifiability Approach. American Law and Economics Review. Volume 24, Issue 2. (2022)
Uncertainty in social interaction, Konstantinos Ioannidis
Casteigts A., Peters J. G., & Schoeters G. Temporal cliques admit sparse spanners. Journal of Computer Systems and Science, Elsevier (JCSS). Volume 121. (2021)
Uncertainty because of complexity, Jason Schoeters
Ioannidis K., Offerman T., & Sloof R. On the effect of anchoring on valuations when the anchor is transparently uninformative. Journal of the Economic Science Association. Volume 6, Issue 1. (2020)
Uncertainty in social interaction, Konstantinos Ioannidis